So, you’ve read the headline, right? Sunshine Rectal Showers or Feline Deluge? Garage Genius Undeterred! You’re probably sitting there thinking, “What the hell does that even mean?” Well, strap in, buttercup, because this is one wild ride.
Let’s start with the ‘Sunshine Rectal Showers’. Now, before you get your knickers in a twist, no, it’s not some kinky sex thing. It’s the brainchild of Todd McAllister, a man who has spent more time in his garage than most of us have spent outside. Todd’s a self-proclaimed genius, and who am I to argue? The guy dropped out of high school to sell his ‘innovative’ inventions online, and he’s done pretty well for himself. Well, if you consider living in your mom’s basement and selling crap on eBay doing well.
So, what’s this Sunshine Rectal Shower? It’s a device that uses the power of the sun to provide a refreshing spritz to your posterior. Yes, you read that right. It’s a solar-powered bidet. Todd’s been working on this contraption for the better part of a year, and he’s convinced it’s going to revolutionize the way we clean our behinds.
Now, on to the ‘Feline Deluge’. This is a whole different can of worms. Or should I say, can of cats? It’s Todd’s latest invention—a device that uses the power of a rainstorm to feed your cats. (“I have a lot of cats,” Todd told me, “and it’s a pain in the ass to feed them all. So I thought, why not use the power of nature to get the job done? It’s eco-friendly!”) The device collects rainwater, which then triggers the release of cat food. It’s a weird Rube Goldberg machine of sorts, and the cats seem to like it.
So why am I telling you all this? Well, for one, it’s a hell of a story, isn’t it? But the real reason is that Todd, our garage genius, is undeterred by the ridicule and skepticism he’s faced. Most people would have given up by now, but not Todd. He believes in his inventions, as odd as they may be, and he’s not going to let anything stand in his way.
Does it matter that his Sunshine Rectal Shower has only sold two units, both of which were returned? Not to Todd. He’s convinced it’s the future of personal hygiene and he’s working tirelessly to improve it. He’s even started a Kickstarter campaign to fund his efforts. (If you’re feeling generous, you can contribute. Or, you know, just buy a roll of toilet paper like a normal person.)
And what about the Feline Deluge? Well, it’s still in the prototype stage, but Todd’s confident it’s going to be a hit. After all, who wouldn’t want a device that uses the power of mother nature to feed their horde of cats? It’s the perfect solution for lazy cat owners everywhere.
So, there you have it. Sunshine Rectal Showers and Feline Deluge—the brainchildren of a garage genius who is undeterred by the challenges he faces. It’s a weird world we live in, folks. But it’s people like Todd who keep it interesting. He’s not afraid to think outside the box, to challenge the status quo. He’s a maverick, a rebel, a true garage genius. And whether you think his inventions are the next big thing or just a load of crap, you have to admit, the guy’s got guts.
And who knows? Maybe one day we’ll all be sitting on our solar-powered bidets, watching the rain feed our cats, and we’ll think, “Damn, that Todd was onto something.” Or maybe we’ll just shake our heads and wonder what the hell we were thinking.
Either way, Todd’s not giving up. And you’ve got to admire that kind of determination. So here’s to Todd, our garage genius, undeterred by the world’s skepticism. Keep doing you, Todd. We may not get it, but you do. And that’s what matters.
So, next time you find yourself doubting your crazy idea, remember Todd. Remember the Sunshine Rectal Shower and the Feline Deluge. Remember that it’s not about what others think, it’s about what you believe. And who knows? You might just be the next garage genius.