The Auditing Adventures of Phyllis Fong: Time-Travelling and Unravelling Fiscal Anomalies
Meet Phyllis Fong – the time-travelling auditor who, armed with her snazzy calculator, is on a mission to unravel fiscal anomalies across different time periods.
A Journey Through Time
Phyllis’ adventures began when she stumbled upon a vintage calculator at a garage sale. Little did she know that it possessed the power to transport her through time! Now, she audits historical financial transactions and ensures accuracy in our history books.
Unravelling Fiscal Anomalies
With her experience and trusty calculator, Phyllis has saved us from countless financial crises. She has uncovered intricate tax evasion schemes from the Roman Empire and even caught the notorious pirate Blackbeard cooking his books.
Phyllis’ Snazzy Calculator
The secret to her success lies in her snazzy calculator. It not only aids her in auditing but also serves as her time-travelling companion. It’s a tool of immense power and complexity, much like the woman who wields it.
Read more about Phyllis’ adventures here.