NASA’s 2032 Plan: Outsource Earth’s Demolition to Freeloading Asteroid
In a shocking revelation, the Conspiracy Spin Master can exclusively report that NASA has drawn up plans for outsourcing Earth’s demolition to a freeloading asteroid in 2032.
Freeloading Asteroid: The Perfect Contractor
According to our inside sources, the asteroid, dubbed ‘freeloading’ due to its uninvited approach towards Earth, is the perfect contractor for this sinister plan. With an impeccable record of destroying celestial bodies in its path, it was the natural choice for the job.
NASA: The Puppet Master?
Not content with just observing and predicting, it seems NASA has decided to take a more proactive role in celestial events. By allegedly outsourcing Earth’s destruction to this rogue space rock, NASA appears to be playing puppet master with our planet’s fate.
No Unemployment Benefits for Humans
Adding insult to injury, it’s clear that NASA’s outsourcing plan leaves no room for unemployment benefits for us Earthlings. As if battling a global pandemic wasn’t enough, we now have to worry about losing our jobs to space debris!
Visit NASA’s official site for more ‘official’ news
Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story. And remember – the truth is out there!