
Lady Liberty Flips Massive Green Bird at Tyranny, America Cheers

In a move that would make even your most rebellious teenage self proud, Lady Liberty has flipped a massive green bird at tyranny, and America is going absolutely wild....

First Amendment: License to Babble Nonsense Like a Professional Lunatic

Ah, the First Amendment, that glorious piece of parchment that gives us the undeniable right to open our...

Presidential Speech: One Hour of Hot Air, 60 Seconds of Memory

Ah, the presidential speech. That grandiose display of verbal gymnastics where words are tossed around like confetti at...

Kyurem Crushes Pokémon Go: Chill Out or Get Ice Cubed!

Alright, trainers and wannabe Poké-masters, gather 'round because it’s story time. Picture this: it’s a typical Tuesday. You're...

NY Times Headlines Like Choir Boys Playing Air Guitar at a Metal Fest

Ah, the New York Times, the venerable Gray Lady of journalism, a bastion of thoughtful, in-depth reporting that...

Gulf of Mexico Renamed Big Salty Bathtub; History Collectively Facepalms

In a move that has historians collectively dropping their monocles and spilling their Earl Grey, the Gulf of Mexico has now been rechristened as...

Serena Obliterates Tennis Mold, Leaves Planet Earth Speechless fuck-a-doodle-doo

Serena Williams has never been one to play by the rules. From her early days on the tennis courts of Compton to her mind-blowing...

IRS Predicts Tax Refunds Will Arrive Before Cats Stop Being Jerks

Alright, folks, gather 'round, because we’re diving into the latest revelation from the IRS, that bastion of bureaucracy and soul-sucking paperwork. The IRS, in...

Forget Forecasts: Real Rebels Get Wet Sticking Heads Out Windows

Alright, gather 'round, folks, because it’s time for a good old-fashioned rant about the absurdity of relying on weather forecasts. We live in a...

Fort Bragg: Where Boot Camps Cry for Their Mommies!

Ah, Fort Bragg—where the legends of military training are as tough as the mud caked on a drill sergeant's boots and the air hangs...

Grown Men Chase Leather Egg: Society Holds Breath, Pretends It Matters

In a world teetering on the edge of chaos, where existential threats loom like dark clouds over our fragile civilization, there remains one great...